- Course Number: 3401
- Subject: Spanish
- Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
Translation skills through familiarity with different types of language taken mainly from Spanish newspapers: reporting, sports, columns, advertisements, correspondence, etc. Models of each and their inherent problems in translation. Essays on translation to examine theories of translation.
- Special Notes:
This course cannot be taken simultaneously with Spanish 3402. In the spring, this course is available to students on both the intermediate and advanced tracks.
- Pre-requisites:
Minimum grade of C- in SPAN 2096 or SPAN 2098, and any SPAN course numbered 3000 to 4999. In the fall and spring, students who have not yet completed the pre-requisites for this course may enroll in the course if they take the pre-requisites concurrently.