Temple Global Green

Global Green logo - designed by Eliza O'Grady

At Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses, we know that international education is essential to fostering global citizenship, intercultural understanding and humility, equity and social justice, and collective solutions to shared challenges. We also know that travel, especially the carbon footprint of air travel, has a negative impact on climate change and that climate change disproportionately affects countries and communities with fewer resources. As we seek to leave the world better than we found it, the goals of sustainability and those of international education are deeply intertwined. We are committed to incorporating sustainable practices into every aspect of our work, from student and staff travel, to program development and student learning, to marketing and office operations. Inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we have partnered with Temple’s Office of Sustainability to achieve our mission.

Education Abroad aims to become carbon neutral by 2030, taking a leading role toward fulfilling Temple University’s carbon neutrality goal of 2050. We commit to auditing our processes and programs, reducing our carbon footprint and waste, and investing in reliable offsets, materials and programming that are better for the environment. We will take a holistic approach that addresses:

Travel Emissions

  • Seek to reduce carbon emissions by educating students, staff and faculty about how to be more carbon-conscious travelers. 
  • Pursue options for responsible carbon offsets for student and staff travel, including supporting projects that serve Temple’s local communities.

Program Development and Student Learning

  • Incorporate sustainability practices and programming into every program. 
  • Consider the impact of climate change on host communities and work with them to ensure our programming is mutually beneficial. 
  • Share resources to help students understand the impact of travel on climate change and local communities and how they can study abroad more sustainably while enhancing their study abroad experience at the same time.

Business Operations and Marketing

  • Maintain a fully online application system.  
  • Only print when absolutely necessary. 
  • Significantly reduce printed promotional materials and only employ print vendors who use FSC-certified printing methods (soy-based inks and recycled paper). 
  • Purchase fewer, sustainably produced promotional items that are higher in quality, better for the environment, and more likely to be used for a longer period of time. 
  • Investigate additional options for more sustainable office and event operations.


Sustainability and Education Abroad: What you should know and what you can do

We have designed a host of resources to help you incorporate sustainable practices into each step along your journey, from choosing your program to planning for your travel and life abroad, to implementing lessons learned abroad upon your return.

Your Carbon Footprint

Calculate your study abroad carbon footprint and explore resources to reduce and offset.

Global Impact of Climate Change

Find out how climate change is affecting countries around the world, including your host country.

Community Perspectives

Check out what our students have learned about sustainability and climate change from living abroad, and hear from faculty experts on our community perspectives page.

Sustainability Courses Abroad

Enroll in courses focused on sustainability abroad.

Temple Global Green Grants

Want to be an ambassador for sustainability abroad? Apply for our new Temple Global Green Grant!

Sustainability Events

Explore sustainability events happening at Temple.


Temple University has been named a finalist by the Forum on Education Abroad for the 2022 Award for Advancing the SDGS through Education Abroad.


Forum Award for Advancing the SDGs through Education Abroad - 2022 Finalist