- Course Number: 4221
- Subject: Spanish
- Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
A panoramic view of the art of Spain from two perspectives: the chronological and the geographic. The chronological perspective includes artistic and architectural work from the paleolythic period (the Caves of Altamira) to the present time. The geographic perspective examines work from Asturias, in the north, to Sevilla and Granada in the south and Barcelona on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
- Special Notes:
In the spring, this course is available to students on both the intermediate and advanced tracks.
- Pre-requisites:
Minimum grade of C- in SPAN 2096 or SPAN 2098. To enroll in this course, students must successfully complete Spanish 2096 or 2098 prior to departure for Spain.