- Course Number: 4542
- Subject: Electrical Engineering
- Semester(s) Offered: Fall
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
This course considers digital data communication with complex modulation and error detection and correction in the presence of noise using MATLAB/Simulink simulation. Topics include: quadrature amplitude and continuous phase modulation, frequency hopping and spread spectrum modulation, linear, block, cyclic, convolutional and CRC codes, fading and multipath interference, Doppler shift in mobile environments and the performance of cellular and wireless communication systems.
- Special Notes:
Taught in English. In Spain, ECE 4542 can be taken concurrently with ECE 4512. Cannot be taken concurrently with ECE 3516 Signals and Systems due to schedule conflicts
- Pre-requisites:
Minimum grade of D- in Stochastic Processes in Signals and Systems (at Temple ECE 3522)