- Course Number: 2501
- Subject: Business Administration
- Semester(s) Offered: Spring
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
Corporations generate oceans of data, and the rate of data production is increasing over time. Human's ability to process this information is constant. How can we deal with this information deluge? Answer: A good visualization can be worth many gigabytes of data. This course will not only teach you about good visualizations, but will also focus on using the right visuals to effectively communicate your message. After completing this course, you will be able to identify the context of the data, select appropriate data and visualization techniques to maximize efficacy, focus your audience's attention, extract information from the data, and make compelling recommendations - really, tell a meaningful story with data. You will practice visualization techniques in a hands-on environment with a variety of datasets and data types, allowing you to quickly make great looking charts and graphs that can be directly applied to real-world situations.