- Course Number: 3571
- Subject: Engineering
- Semester(s) Offered: Spring
- Credit Hours: 3
- Description:
The study of the concepts, theory, and application of energy and entropy from a classical and statistical viewpoint. NOTE: Special Authorization for Non-Majors. Open to all engineering majors.
This course includes an academic excursion outside of Rome. Details will be announced in the course schedule.
- Special Notes:
- Pre-requisites:
Open to all engineering majors who have completed elementary classical physics II or general physics II, calculus II, and general chemistry or chemistry for engineers with a minimum grade of C-. At Temple, specific pre-requisites include: PHYS 1062, 1962, 2022, or 2922 AND MATH 1042 or 1942 AND CHEM 1031, 1035, 1041 or 1951 Special authorization required for non-engineering majors.